Agriculture One Liner (Part-2)

Agriculture One Liner (Part-2)

  1. Tetrazolium Test is conducted for- Viability and Vigour of seed.
  2. First cultivated crops in the world are- Wheat & Barley.
  3. International meteorological organization was established in- 1873
  4. Division of Agri. Meteorology established in 1932 is situated at- Pune, Maharashtra.
  5. Total incoming Solar radiation is measured by- Pyranometer.
  6. Reflected solar radiation is measured by- Albedometer.
  7. Photosynthetically active radiation is measured by- Quantum sensor.
  8. Direct solar radiation is measured by- Pyrheliometer.
  9. According to Nicholos, number of functional elements is- 20.
  10. Condition of atmosphere at given place and at a given time is called- Weather.Read…WHAT IS ATMOSPHERE- STRUCTURE & LAYERS
  11. Longest day in northern hemisphere is- June 21st
  12. Relative humidity is measured by- Hygrometer.
  13. Agro-ecological Zones in India is- 20.
  14. Agro-ecological zone identified by NARP ICAR is 8, by NBSSLUP is 21.
  15. Agro-climatic zones in India are- 15.
  16. The greenhouse gases are- CO2, CFC, CH4, etc.
  17. DDT was first synthesized by- Paul Muller.
  18. Wind velocity is measured by- Anemometer.
  19. Wind velocity is measured in unit called- Knot.
  20. Direction from which wind blows is called windward side, and to which it moves is called leeward side.
  21. Father of agro- climatology is- Koppen.
  22. Thermometer was invented by- Galileo.
  23. National Research Centre for weed science is situated at– Jabalpur (MP).
  24. National horticulture board is located at- Gurgaon (Haryana).
  25. Central temperate Horticulture Research institute is situated at- Srinagar (J&K).
  26. Central institute of arid horticulture established in 1976 is located at- Nabibagh, Bhopal (M.P).
  27. International institute of horticulture is situated in- Brazil.
  28. Who is the father of pomology- Decandolle.
  29. National horticulture board (NHB) was established in the year- 1984.
  30. Which vegetable rank first among vegetable crops in production in the world- Potato.
  31. In India, potato was introduced by- Portuguese in 1965.
  32. The International potato center was established in- 1971 at lima (Peru).
  33. Central potato Research Institute (CPRI) was established in the year 1949 at- Shimla (Himachal Pradesh).
  34. Seed plant technique was developed by- Pushkarnath.
  35. Father of field plot technique- Boussingault.
  36. The concept of True potato seed to raise commercial crop in India conceived by- S. Ramanujam (Fist director of CPRI).
  37. Cauliflower was introduced in India by- Jemson.
  38. Male sterility in cauliflower was introduced by- Peerson (1981).
  39. The toxic substance of cucurbits is- Cucurbitacin.
  40. Which hormones are used in cucurbits to modify sex and to induce femaleness- GA & NAA.
  41. Main objective of growing intercrops with the main fruit crop is- Get additional income.
  42. Ratooning is practiced as a matter of routine in– Sugarcane & Napier grass.
  43. Seedless variety of mango is- Sindhu.
  44. Most exported variety of mango is- Alphonso.
  45. Black tip in mango is a physiological disorder caused by- brick clin fumes mostly CO, SO2 or deficiency of boron.
  46. Humus theory was proposed by- Liebig.
  47. In mechanical analysis, humus from soil sample is removed by chemical- Hydrogen peroxide.
  48. Which type of incompatibility is found in mango- Gametophytic.
  49. Mango variety, most suitable for high density planting is- Amrapali.
  50. The offseason mango variety is- Niranjan.
  51. The only mutant cultivar of mango is- Rosica.
  52. Mangifera contains about 41 species.
  53. Mosambi a sweet orange cultivar was introduced from- Mozambique.
  54. The edible portion of citrus fruits is- Juicy placental hairs.
  55. Central Banana Research station is located at- Aduthurai (TN).
  56. Banana can be stored at- 130C and 85 % RH.
  57. Banana initiate flowering- 9-12 months after Planting.
  58. The native of papaya is- Tropical America.
  59. The yellow colour of papaya is due to pigment- Caricaxanthin.
  60. King of temperate fruit is- Apple (Family- Rosaceae).
  61. Mother of all delicious group of cultivars is- Red delicious.
  62. The king of arid fruit is- Ber.
  63. The commercial propagation method of grape is- Hard wood cutting.
  64. In India the black soil is mostly fond in- Maharashtra.
  65. Red soil is mostly found in- Tamilnadu.
  66. The soil which is most suitable for most crops is- Sandy loam.
  67. Loamy soils have textured particles i.e., sand: silt: clay in the proportion of- 20: 40: 40.
  68. Chlorites are basically silicates of- Magnesium with some Iron & Aluminums.
  69. Red colour in the red soils is due to presence of various- Oxides of Irons.
  70. Red color of the soil is due to the presence of minerals- Hematite.
  71. Blue green algae fix nitrogen in paddy fields under- Submerged conditions.
  72. Which culture is favorable for groundnut cultivation- Rhizobia.
  73. The vertical section of the soil through all its horizon extending into the parent material is known as- Soil profile.
  74. Relative proportion of soil particles is called- Soil texture.
  75. The basic property of soil is- Texture.
  76. The arrangement of soil particles and their aggregate into certain defined pattern is called- Soil structure.
  77. Pedology considers soil as a Natural body.
  78. Which concentrated organic manure contains maximum phosphorus contents- Guano.
  79. Major organic acid produced during decomposition of organic manure is- Humic acid.
  80. Organic manure having the narrowest C/N ratio- Groundnut cake.
  81. Particle density of soil is also known as- True density.
  82. Generally, the particles density of normal soil is- 65 gram/cm3.
  83. The bulk density of normal soil is- 33 g/cm3.
  84. % solid space= D/P. D*100.
  85. %pore space= 100- B.D/P. D*100.
  86. The nitrogenous fertilizer ranks first in production in India- Urea.
  87. The first soil classification system was developed by- Russian scientist Dokuchaev (1880).
  88. Formula of bulk density is= of soil / volume of solids and pores.
  89. Common criterion generally used to determine CO2 concentration in soil pore space is- Oxygen diffusion rate.
  90. For an ideal soil, ratio of macro and micro pores must be- 1:1.
  91. Law of minimum was given by- Justus von Liebig (1840).
  92. Top most mineral horizon is- A horizon.
  93. The term pH was introduced by- Sorensen (1909).
  94. Culture having the desired strain of micro-organisms is called- Biofertilizers.
  95. Crop logging technique was given by- F. Clements.
  96. Energy exchange elements are- H & O.
  97. K & Na is determined by- Flame Photometer.
  98. Least hygroscopic fertilizer is- DAP.
  99. Metal nutrients are- K, Fe, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu.
  100. Highly mobile nutrients are- N, P and K.
  101. Criteria of essentiality was proposed by- Arnon & Stout (1939).
  102. The term fictional nutrient was proposed by- Nicholas (1961).
  103. Elements essential for pollen development is- Boron.
  104. Cobalt is an essential element for- Forage crops.
  105. The P is available at- 6-7 pH
  106. Bio fertilizers are- Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, PSB, VAM, BGA, etc.
  107. 20 grams (1 packet) of rhizobium culture is required to treat one kg seed.
  108. Azotobacter is used for- Rice, cotton, sugarcane.
  109. Azospirillum bio-fertilizer is used for- Sorghum.
  110. The cytoplasm and nucleus combinedly called- Protoplasm.
  111. The term protoplasm was given by- E. Purkinje.
  112. Physical basis of life is- Protoplasm.
  113. Protoplasm theory was proposed by- Max Schultze (1861).
  114. Cell theory was proposed by- J. Schleiden and Theodor Schwann.
  115. Nucleus is discovered by- Robert brown.
  116. Largest cell in human body is- Nerve cell.
  117. The term Lysosomes was first used by- Dave in 1955.
  118. The main function of Golgi bodies is- Packaging of food materials such as protein, lipids etc.
  119. The function of ribosomes is- Protein synthesis.
  120. The term mitochondria were given by- Benda (1897).
  121. Which cell organelle is called power house of cell- Mitochondria.
  122. Site of anaerobic respiration or krebs cycle is- Mitochondria.
  123. Kitchen of the cell is- Chlorophyll.
  124. The simple microscope was invented by- Galileo (1610).
  125. The shortest phase of all mitosis phase is- Anaphase.
  126. Meiotic division is also known as- Reductional division.
  127. The term mitosis was coined by- Fleming (1882).
  128. Mitosis occurs in- Somatic cells.
  129. Segregation occurs during- Meiosis.
  130. The longest mitotic phase is- Prophase.

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