Agriculture One Liner (Part-3)

Agriculture One Liner (Part-3)

  1. Theory of evolution was given by- Charles Darwin.
  2. Idea of gas exchange takes place in photosynthesis was given by- Priestley (1772).
  3. Who recognized the participation of chlorophyll and light in the photosynthesis process- Ingenhouz (1779).
  4. Chlorophyll pigments are of two types- Chlorophyll “a” (its occurrence is universal in green plants) and Chlorophyll “b” (present in higher plants and in green algae but absent in red algae).
  5. Law of conservation of energy and idea of organic synthesis and energy transformation proposed by- Robert Mayer.
  6. Photosynthetic is simply- oxidation reduction process.
  7. Absorption Spectrum of photosynthesis is- Blue and red.
  8. Dark reaction was discovered by- Blackman (Also known as Blackman reaction or Calvin cycle).
  9. The main site for dark reaction of photosynthesis is- Stroma.
  10. The evaporation of water from plants is called- Transpiration.
  11. Light reaction is also known as- Hill reaction.
  12. In photosynthesis, the solar energy converts into- Chemical energy.
  13. Highest water use efficiency in order- CAM>C4>C3.
  14. Photosynthetic rate is highest in- C4
  15. Sugar found in germinating seeds- Maltose.
  16. The sweetest sugar among all sugars is- Fructose.
  17. Warburg effect- Otto warburg (1920) found that photosynthesis in algae was inhibited by oxygen and such effect is found in all C3 plants, which is called Warburg effect.
  18. The term “OSMOSIS” was first observed by- Jean Antoine Nollet (1748).
  19. Shrinkage of protoplasm due to outward flow of water in a hypertonic solution is called- Plasmolysis (excessive use of fertilizer in the soil kill the plant due to plasmolysis).
  20. The term Imbibition was coined by- Sachs.
  21. Root pressure word was coined by- Stephan Hales.
  22. Father of plant Physiology- Julius Sachs.
  23. Low concentrate solution is called- Hypotonic solution, strong or higher concentrate solution is called- Hypertonic solution, neither weak nor strong solution is called- Isotonic solution.
  24. Soil less cultivation of plants is known as- Hydroponics.
  25. Plants grow well in sand are called- Psammophytes.
  26. Rate of transpiration is determined by- Potometer.
  27. The light intensity at which photosynthetic intake of CO2 is equal to the respiratory output of CO2 is called- Compensation point.
  28. The loss of sap (water) from the injured parts of plants is called- Bleeding.
  29. The exudation of water with salt and minerals through hydathode (structure present at tips of veins of leaves) is called- Guttation.
  30. Approximately 90% of the world photosynthesis is carried out by- Marine and fresh water algae.
  31. Net production of ATP in Glycolysis is- 2.
  32. The final product of glycolysis is- Pyruvate.
  33. Growth rate is measured by- Auxanometer & Cresco graph.
  34. Photoperiodism term was coined by- TD Lysenko (1920).
  35. The term auxin was used by- Frits went (Holland) 1905.
  36. Apical Bud dominance is caused by which hormone- Auxin.
  37. Sugarcane ripener- Ethaphon, Glyphosate.
  38. Which hormones is used as a herbicide- Auxin.
  39. Accumulation of hormone during stress is- Proline.
  40. The hormone related to drought tolerance- Absicic acid (ABA).
  41. Growth retardant hormone- Cycocel (CCC), Maleic hydrazide.
  42. Dormancy breaker- Cytokinin/Kinetin.
  43. The process of breaking seed dormancy of moist seed by low temperature treatment is called- Stratification.
  44. Fruit ripening hormone is- Ethylene.
  45. Lodging preventer hormone- Chlormequet.
  46. Plant cell enlarger- IAA, IBA.
  47. Nutrient evolves in the biosynthesis of IAA- Zn.
  48. Shedding of plant parts is due to- ABA hormones.
  49. The most widely used auxin herbicides are- 2-4-D, 2,4,5-T’ MCPA.
  50. Sucker control in tobacco is done by- Maleic hydrazide.
  51. Root promoting hormones is- IBA.
  52. The precursor of IAA is- Tryptophane.
  53. Synthesis of IAA in plants requires- Zinc.
  54. The term phytohormone for hormones of plants is suggested by- Thimann (1948).Read…PLANT HORMONES- FACTS, TYPES & EFFECTS
  55. The term genetic resource was coined by- Frankel.
  56. Mendel Paper entitled “Experiments in Plant Hybridization” was presented in German Language in two papers in 1865 (Feb 8 and march 8).
  57. Mendel Paper published in the annual proceeding of society in- 1866.
  58. The term “Genetics” was coined by- Bateson (1905).
  59. The term gene, genotype and phenotype were coined by- Johannsen in 1903.
  60. Single gene affecting more than one character is called- Pleiotrpy.
  61. Germplasm theory was proposed by- August Weismann.
  62. Operon model of gene regulation (Operon concept) was discovered by- Jacob and Monad 1961.
  63. The term chromosome was coined by- Waldeyer in 1888, but it was first discovered by Strausburger in 1875.
  64. One gene one enzymes hypothesis was proposed by- Beadle and Tatum (1941).
  65. First time gene was divided into cistron, muton and recon by- Benzer (1955).
  66. Sex chromosomes are also known as- Allosomes.
  67. Characters which express in one sex only is- Sex limited traits.
  68. Crossing over occurs in- Pachytene stage.
  69. The tendency of two or more genes to remain together in the same chromsome during inheritance is referred to as- Linkage.

  70. Chiasma type theory of crossing over was proposed by- Janssens.
  71. Genic balance system of sex determination was proposed by- Bridge in 1922.
  72. Monogenic sex determination is found in- Asparagus, Papaya, maize, spinach etc.
  73. The homozygous progeny of a self-pollinated homozygous plant is known as- Pure lines.
  74. The concept of pure lines theory was developed by- Johannsen (1903).
  75. Breeding method for self-pollinated crops are- Pure line selection, Mass Selection, Progeny selection, Bulk Method, Pedigree method, single seed descent method, Back cross Method.
  76. The record of ancestry of an individual selected plant for its various generation is called- Pedigree.
  77. A multiline variety is a mixture of- Several pure lines.
  78. Bulk method was first used by- Nelson Ehle in 1908.
  79. In pure line Theory, Johannsen was working on- Princess variety of Rajma.
  80. Mass Pedigree Method was proposed by- Harrington in 1937.
  81. The oldest method of selection is- Mass Selection.
  82. Progeny test was developed by- Louis de Vilmorin, hence also called Vilmorin isolation principle.
  83. Single seed Descent method applied for the first time in oat in 1965 by- Graphius.
  84. The term recurrent selection was coined by- Hull in1945.
  85. The use of synthetic varieties for commercial cultivation was first suggested in maize by- Hayes and Garber (1919).
  86. Synthetic varieties are maintained by- Open Pollination
  87. A synthetic variety can be developed from- Inbreeds, clones and open pollinated varieties.
  88. The general or basic concept in the development of synthetic varieties is- Exploitation of hybrid vigour.
  89. The concept of disruptive mating and selection was developed by- Mather (1953) and Thody (1958).
  90. The Concept of dialed selective mating system was originally developed by- Jonsen in 1970.
  91. The heterosis is also known as- Hybrid vigour.
  92. The term heterosis was first used by- Shull in 1914.
  93. Dominance theory was proposed by- Devenport in 1908.
  94. The resistance of host to the particular race of a pathogen is known as- Vertical resistance.
  95. Vertical resistance is governed by- One or few genes.
  96. The resistance of host to the all-race of a pathogen is known as- Horizontal resistance.
  97. The concept of gene for gene hypothesis was first developed by- Flor in 1946.
  98. The disease resistance is governed by- Several genes.
  99. Who developed the concept of vertical and horizontal resistance- E. Vender Plank (1963).
  100. Father of genetic engineering is- Pual Berg.
  101. Father of plant tissue culture- Haber land.
  102. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed by- Karl Mullis (1980).
  103. Golden rice was developed by- Ingo Potrykus and peter beyer (1990).
  104. The plant part which is used for regeneration is called- Explant.
  105. A mass of regenerated cells culture medium is called- Callus.
  106. The suspension of free cells of callus in a liquid medium is known as- Suspension culture.
  107. The regeneration capacity or ability of a plant cell to develop into whole plant is known as- Totipotency.
  108. The process of formation of somatic embryos from callus is called- Embryogenesis.
  109. The process of differentiation of shoot & root from the somatic embryos is called- Organogenesis.
  110. Regeneration of whole plant from anther is called- Anther culture.
  111. Haploid are developed by- Anther culture.
  112. The biotechnology applied to agriculture process is known as- Industrial Biotechnology.
  113. The first genetically modified food product was Tomato, which was transformed to delay its ripening.
  114. M-RNA is primarily used for- Transcription of DNA.
  115. The most abundant form of RNA is- r-RNA (80%).
  116. RFLP stands for- Restricting fragment length polymorphism.
  117. Research in the area of tissue culture was first stared in India at- Department of Botany, DU in 1960.
  118. National bureau of plant genetics resources is situated at –New Delhi.
  119. The project on Indian mustard oil with higher b-carotene is initiated by- TERI (Energy and Research institute).
  120. A genotype developed by the process of genetic engineering is called- Transgenic.
  121. The technique of genetic engineering which is used to make several identical copies of a gene is called- Gene cloning.
  122. Which soil borne bacterium is used to develop transgenic plants- Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
  123. In potato, the protein quality has been improved by- Transferring serum albumin gene from human.
  124. In tobacco, cold resistance power has been achieved by transferring gene from- Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Agriculture One Linear (Part-1)
Agriculture One Linear (Part-2)


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