Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF)

Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) Background Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) is a central…

Horticulture- An Introduction

Horticulture- An Introduction Introduction Horticulture is the branch of agriculture that deals with the art, science,…

Self, Cross and Often Cross Pollinated Crops

Self, Cross and Often Cross Pollinated Crops Sel-pollinated crops: When pollen from one flower pollinates the…

Entomology One Liner

Entomology One Liner 1. “An Insect or any other living organism whose population increases to such…

Vertical Farming- Meaning & Advantages

Vertical Farming- Meaning & Advantages What is Vertical farming? Vertical farming is farming on vertical surface…

Krishi Road Map of Bihar

Krishi Road Map of Bihar Agriculture in Bihar provides livlihood for most of the population as…

One Liner Extension Education

One Liner Extension Education 1. The word Extension used first and Extension activity was started first…


MCQ AGRONOMY PART 4 1. Minimum support price (MSP) system was evolved in 1966-67 and was…

ICAR Institutions

ICAR Institutions Here are the list of all Institutions, Deemed Universities, National Research Centres, National Bureaux,…

Cropping Systems- Meaning Types & Advantages

Cropping Systems- Meaning Types & Advantages Cropping System-Meaning Cropping pattern and its management to derive benefits…