Cropping Systems- Meaning Types & Advantages
Cropping System-Meaning
Cropping pattern and its management to derive benefits from a given resource base under specific environmental condition is called cropping system. Cropping systems refers to order in which the crops are grown or cultivated on a piece of land over fixed period.
It is location specific, so it changes when place and environment are changed. The objective of any cropping system is efficient utilization of all resources viz. land, water, solar energy etc. and to maintain stability in production and get higher returns.
Management practices along with planting geometry and genetic makeup of seed are primary pillars of any cropping system.
Cropping Pattern refers to yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops on a same piece of land over a same period of time.
Types of Cropping Systems
- Monoculture
- Multiple cropping
(A) Parallel multiple cropping
- Mixed cropping
- Intercropping
- Relay cropping
- Alley cropping
- Multi-storeyed cropping
(B) Sequential cropping
- Double cropping
- Triple cropping
- Quadruple cropping
- Ratoon cropping
- Following or Fallow in rotation
The cropping system in which only one major crop is grown on the same land year after year. It means repetitive growing of only one crop on same piece of land year after year. Practiced in dryland areas.
Ex: Rice-Rice, Bajra-Bajra.
Advantages: (i) Convenience in sowing as well as harvesting with the help of machinery under mechanized farming.
Disadvantages: (i) In the absence of suitable soil management practices, soil fertility and productivity are lowered. (ii) Soil structure may be deteriorated. (iii) Increase infestation of weeds, pests & diseases.
Multiple Cropping
In this cropping system, two or more crops are grown either in association or succession or sequence for entire or part period of their life cycles on the same field in a year. It is defined as cultivation of two or more crops on the same field in a year. It is the intensification of cropping in time and space dimensions both. Thus, more crops within a year and more crops on the same piece of land during a single growing season.
Ex: Maize-Wheat-Green gram, Sorghum-Wheat-Green Gram, Rice-Wheat-Black Gram-Linseed.
Multiple cropping includes “parallel multiple cropping” and “Sequential multiple cropping”.
(A) Parallel multiple cropping: When two or more crops are grown in association for part or entire period of their life cycle is known as parallel multiple cropping. It includes following cropping systems.
(i) Mixed cropping: Growing two or more crops simultaneously with no distinct row arrangement is known as mixed cropping. E.g. Maize + Green gram + Pigeon pea, Sorghum + Groundnut + Pigeon pea.
Mixed cropping is commonly practiced in rainfed or dry farming areas. Generally, legumes crop or oilseed crops are mixed with cereal crops like maize, jowar or bajra. Usually, cereals are grown as main crop and pulses or oilseeds as minor or mixed crop. Sowing is generally done by seed drill or moghan can be used to mix seeds.
Advantages: (i) Less risk of crop failure hence increase gross monetary returns (ii) Fulfils the requirements of food grains, oilseeds, pulses and fodder crops too. (iii) Improve fertility of the soil if legumes are taken as minor crop (iv) Better distribution of labour throughout the crop period (v) Full utilization of space and available plant nutrients (vi) Safeguards against pests and diseases.
Disadvantages: (i) Sometimes control of pests, diseases and weeds become difficult (ii) Sometimes affects the yield of main crop (iii) Harvesting with the help of machinery is very difficult or impossible.
Types of Mixed Cropping
- Mixed crop: Seeds of different crops are mixed together and then broadcasted is called as mixed crop.
- Companion crop: Seeds of different crops are not mixed together but different crops are sown in different rows is called as companion crop.
- Guard crop: The main crop is sown in the centre, surrounded by hardy crop to provide protection to main crop is called as guard crop. E.g. Safflower around wheat, Mesta around sugarcane.
- Augmenting crop: Such crops are grown to supplement the yield of main crop. e.g. Japanese mustard with berseem.
Mixed cropping provides better utilization of available resources, insurance against total crop failure, higher yield per unit area and per unit time, less incidence of pest and diseases, improvement in soil structure and soil fertility. However, it is difficult to carry out different field operations, more labour requirement and due care is needed while selecting crop.
(ii) Intercropping: Growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land with distinct row arrangement is called as intercropping. Here intercrop is grown in between rows of the major crop, without affecting the optimum plant population and yield of the base crop. E.g. Maize + Pigeon pea (2:1) Sorghum + Pigeon pea (2:1) Cotton + Green gram (2:1) Pigeon pea + Ground nut + Lentil (2:1:1).
- In addition to yield of major crop some extra intercrop yield is obtained. Therefore, intercrop is bonus crop in this system.
- The crops having different growth habits, canopy development, root system and nutrient & sunlight requirement are chosen.
- The crops grown in association are sown by specific planting pattern for base crop so as to create space to accommodate the intercrop in systematic geometric progression.
- Care must be taken that intercrop/minor crop/subsidiary mixed crop should not affect the growth and yield of main crop. It should mature earlier or later than the base crop or main crop. It should have different growth habits and nutrient requirements in order to have minimum competition. Legumes are best for intercrop as it improves soil fertility as well.
- Advantages of intercropping system: 1) Improves the soil fertility and productivity as well. 2) Maintain the higher crop yield. 3) Better utilization of available resources. 4) control soil erosion, while improves the soil structure and water holding capacity of soil. 5) Reduces the incidence of insect pest, disease and weeds.
- Disadvantages: 1) Intercultural operations and Weed control are very difficult. 2) Harvesting takes more time and with the help of machinery is also difficult. 3) Competition among the resources is more. 4) Water requirement is more.
Types of Intercropping
(i) Parallel Cropping: Cultivation of such crops which have different natural habit and zero competition is called as parallel cropping. e.g. black gram/green gram + Maize.
(ii) Companion cropping: System in which production of both intercrops is equal to that of its solid planting is called as companion cropping. e.g. Mustard/Potato/Onion + Sugarcane.
- a) Mixed Intercropping: Growing of two or more crops with no distinct row arrangement is called as mixed intercropping. There are four types of mixed intercropping systems:
- Row intercropping: Growing of two or more crops simultaneously, where one or more crops are planted in rows is called as row intercropping.
- Patch cropping: Where component crops are planted in patches is called as patch cropping.
- Strip intercropping: Growing of two or more crops simultaneously in strips wide enough to permit independent cultivation but narrow enough to interact the crop agronomically is called as strip intercropping.
- Relay intercropping: Growing of two or more crops simultaneously during the part of life cycle of each is called as relay intercropping. Second crop is planted after the first crop has reached its reproductive stage of growth but before it is ready to harvest. Succeeding crop is planted before harvesting of preceding crop.

(iii) Relay cropping: In this cropping system, succeeding crop (next crop) is sown or planted when the preceding crop (first crop) has reached its physiological maturity stage or before it is ready to harvest. e.g. Rice-Linseed/lentil/black gram/chickpea.
Advantages: 1) Better utilization of residual moisture and fertilizers. 2) Reduces the cost of cultivation practices, fertilizers and irrigation. 3) Less labour requirement. 4) Incidence of pest, diseases and weeds is less due to early sowing operation.
Disadvantages: 1) Risk of crop failure is more. 2) Harvesting by machinery is difficult. 3) Greater incidence of pest, disease and weeds.
(iv) Alley cropping: The system of growing jowar, bajra, maize or any other arable crop in the passage between two rows of leguminous shrubs like subabul (Leucaena leucacephala) is called as alley cropping.
This system is useful for conservation of moisture and maintaining fertility of soil in dry farming areas. The lopping of the subabul is used as green fodder for animals or may be used between the crop rows as mulch for conservation of soil moisture and after decaying it also adds organic matter to the soil.

Advantages: 1) Better utilization of natural resources i.e. moisture, nutrients, light and space. 2) Reduces the cost of cultivation. 3) Improves the soil fertility and productivity. 4) Provides fodder for animals and food for human.
Disadvantages: 1) Competition among the natural resources. 2) Incidence of pest, diseases and weeds is more. 3) Chances of crop failure is more. 4) Less yield is obtained.
(v) Multistoreyed cropping: In this system the crops having different height and vertical layers of leaf canopies, sunlight requirements and root system are grown together on the same field. Generally, the shorter crops favouring shade and humidity are grown in passage between the rows of taller crops, which are tolerant to strong sunlight. e.g. Growing of pineapple, sweet potato, black pepper, tapioca, turmeric, ginger etc. in coconut or arecanut.
Advantages: 1) Better utilization of moisture and nutrients in different soil layers. 2) Better utilization of sunlight and space. 3) Enrichment of organic matter or plant residues in soil. 4) Improve the water holding capacity of soil.
Disadvantages: 1) Competition among the natural resources. 2) More area is required. 3) Incidence of pest, disease and weeds is more.
- Synergetic cropping: The yields of both crops are higher than of their pure crop on unit area basis is called as synergetic cropping. e.g. Sugarcane + Potato.
Additive Series
- In this system one crop is main crop or base cop and another crop is intercrop.
- Intercrop is introduced into the base crop by adjusting or changing crop geometry of main crop.
- Plant population of main crop is kept same what recommended for pure stand by reducing row spacing.
- The objective of the system is to get additional income and to cover risk.
- LER (Land Equivalent Ratio) is more than 1.
- Additive series is more efficient than the replacement series.
Replacement Series
- Both the crops are component crops.
- The plant population of both crops is less than their recommended population in pure stand.
- LER is less than 1.
- Less efficient than the Additive series.
(B) Sequential multiple cropping: It is the multiple cropping system in which two or more crops are grown in sequence on the same piece of land in a year or over a fixed period.
(i) Sequence cropping: Two or more crops are grown in sequence one after another on the same piece of land in a year.
- Double cropping: It is multiple cropping system in which two crops are grown in sequence on the same piece of land in a year. e.g. Black gram-Jowar, Black gram-Wheat, Rice-Gram, Groundnut-Wheat etc.
- Triple cropping: Here three crops are grown in sequence on the same land in a year. It is possible when irrigation facilities are available throughout the year. e.g. Groundnut-Wheat-Okra, Rice-Wheat-Groundnut, Jowar-Potato-Green gram, Soybean-Wheat-Groundnut etc.
- Quadruple cropping: It is the multiple cropping system in which four crops are grown in a sequence on the same land in a year. It is only possible when irrigation facility is available throughout the year. e.g. Soybean-Methi-Wheat-Green gram etc.
- Ratoon cropping or Ratooning: Ratooning consists of allowing the stubbles of the original crop to strike again or to produce the tillers after harvesting and to raise another crop. The cultivation of crop regrowth after harvest is known as ratoon cropping. It implies more than one harvest from one sowing/planting because of regrowth from the basal buds on the stem after harvest of first crop. e.g. Ratooning of Sugarcane.
Advantages of Multiple Cropping
- It increases the total production and gross monetary returns per unit area in a year.
- Fulfils various needs of food grains, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fodder etc.
- Better utilization and distribution of land, labour, power and other resources on the farm.
- Regular flow of income throughout the year.
Disadvantages of Multiple Cropping
- Fertility and productivity of the soil is lowered or exhausted if proper soil management practices are not allowed.
- Continuous cropping and irrigation practices may affect the soil structure.
- Sometimes control of pests, diseases and weeds becomes difficult.
Fallowing or Fallow in Rotation
- In dry farming areas where rainfall is very low, only two crops are taken in three years as against one crop every year is called as fallowing or fallow in rotation. A fallow year or season means field is not cultivated with any crop but left without crop.
- The field may be left undisturbed in a ploughed condition or kept clean by frequent harrowing.
- This practice is useful for conservation of soil moisture and maintaining fertility of the soil. That’s why in irrigated area sometimes one season is kept fallow for maintaining fertility of the soil and minimizing the damage to the soil due to intensive cropping.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Base crop or Major crop?
It is the major crop grown in intercropping system.
What is Inter crop?
It is the additional crop grown in the space created in inter cropping systems.
What is Companion crop?
The crop grown in association in cropping system for complementary effect.
What is Component crop?
Either of the crop grown in multiple cropping system.
What is Land Equivalent Ratio (LER)?
LER = Yield of base crop in intercropping/ Yield of base crop in sole cropping + Yield of inter crop in intercropping/Yield of intercrop in sole cropping.
See also…
Intercrop Productivity & Land Equivalent Ratio